Dr. Ayşe Başak Topaler Receives TÜBİTAK 3501 Grant
25 February 2025It is our distinct pleasure to announce that the project coordinated by Asst. Prof. Ayşe Başak Topaler from the Business Administration Department and entitled “Analyzing the impact of exogenous shocks on new venture founding, structure, and performance” has been funded by TUBİTAK 3501 – National Young Researchers Career Development Program.
This project aims to address the gaps in the literature by comparatively examining the cognitive effects of two exogenous shocks experienced in Turkey in the last decade, their reflections on the attitudes and behaviors of entrepreneurs and their stakeholders, and the resulting impact on entrepreneurial activities. These are the recently experienced COVID-19 pandemic, which has had important consequences worldwide, and a national shock due to the coup attempt against the government on July 15, 2016. Comparing the way these shocks changed perceptions of trust, the project proposes two research questions: 1) How does the transformation in perceptions of trust caused by an exogenous shock affect the organizational and managerial choices of entrepreneurs who establish new businesses during the shock period and the long-term performance of the businesses they establish? 2) How does the transformation in perceptions of trust caused by an exogenous shock affect the reactions the entrepreneurs who close their businesses during the shock period will receive from the external stakeholders, their access to resources, and their tendency for re-entry after this failure?
We congratulate our faculty member for her achievement and wish for the continuation of her success.